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Tackling barriers to the integration of newcomers

By Lia Andras, Marie Endebrock, Emma Fuchs, Eva Horstick

This semester four German Girls came together to tackle barriers to the integration of newcomers. They created a podcast called Under the Same Sky, produced in collaboration with the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE). In each of the five episodes, two newcomers or one newcomer and someone from their host society have a conversation with each other guided by questions provided by the team. They share personal stories about their life focusing on their experiences living in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and the USA.

In the following videos, Emma will take you on a journey through this semester. The last video is a recap of the semester with the entire team (substituting the ted talk).

2. Exploring Phase:

3. Engaging Phase:

4. Elaborating Phase:

5. Evaluating Phase:

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